Link Partners International

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This event will bring together finance managers in the Civil Society and Public Institutions that implement donor funded projects. This is aimed at the managers getting knowledge on financial processes of donors such as Financial Management Systems, Payment models, Requisitions, Accounting Packages, Audits etc. This will also target service providers such as Beyonic, SAGE etc. to give insight in how these packages work and how to track payments and give accountabilities.

Agriculture is the backbone of Uganda’s economy, employing more than 70% of the entire population. It’s also the most feasible strategy that the country has to overcome the national and global Covid19 negative impact. Unfortunately, the bulk of the sector is hinged on small and medium holder farmers with limited capacity to secure quality seeds, inputs and post-harvesting technologies. This has been made worse as this particular category of farmers lack access to credit and finance. Combined with harsh and unpredictable weather conditions and fatalities common in tropical third-world countries, farmers need credible insurance facilities to absorb such shocks. It is therefore urgent to establish an annual platform where farmers meet stakeholders in the agriculture financing and insurance sector to understand, appreciate and negotiate options, innovations and business opportunities. This is one of the purpose of the




This is a convention that LPI partnered with Makerere University School of Education and Ministry of Education to bring together all Education Stakeholders to discuss the current state of Education, challenges and the effects of Covid 19 on the Education sector in Uganda.

Once core actors in education in Uganda get together on a round table, we will be able to take stock of the Covid19 losses, gains and impact on education. After which we will jointly plan resolutions for sustainable recovery for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary education. The timing for this Symposium is opportune to invite debate, engagement and action by governments, international organizations, civil society, educational professionals, as well as learners and stakeholders at all levels. It also aligns well with the Government of Uganda’s efforts to develop and finalize a new education plan in a context of ongoing ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

The National Secondary Teacher Seminar Series is a set of teacher updates and professional development workshops that run annually between May and July every year hosted by Makerere University School of Education. The workshops target secondary school teachers specifically in Humanities and Language subjects and also caters for the school heads, managers and administrators who are the significant policy makers at institutional level.

The main aim of the National Secondary Teacher workshop Series is to promote quality education through regular and timely sharing of research, knowledge, skills and pedagogy, to teachers, school administrators and support staff in secondary schools’ community that foster development in education.